What does SEO exactly mean?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When you do SEO, you don’t really optimize the search engine, but you optimize your website to have better visibility in search engines.
How does SEO work?
Every search engine is a large database of almost every website that is present on the internet. The search engines then use their proprietary algorithms to manage this information to display it to the users. The most important thing while displaying the search results by the search engines is how relevant is the information to the search query entered by the user.
The accuracy of a search engine is measured by the intelligence with which it interprets the search query and displays the relevant results. However in the ever expanding world of web, with thousands of new websites going live everyday, there are more and more number of matching search results for the same set of search queries. In such a situation, the search engines use their respective algorithms to prioritize among the search results and display them accordingly.
How do I ‘search engine optimize’ my website?
This is when an SEO professional come into picture. At Vinotech Systems, we provide the best advice to optimize your website for better visibility to search engines in an ethical and honest way.
What are the different types of SEO?
White-box and Black-box are the two types of SEO referring to ethical and unethical ways of SEO.
How do I reach the top of a search engine results?
There would be NO genuine SEO professional who would promise you the top position in any search engine, the obvious reason being the search engines regularly update their own search algorithms and at different points in time. Apart from that, the constantly changing world of internet which constantly keeps adding new content and removing old content. |